We can get caught up in the trappings of a fancy wedding and all the trappings. It is all about the dress, the ring, the food. Is the banquet hall big enough to hold the hundreds of guests that will pour through the doors eating your food, drinking liquor and hopeful giving you enough in gifts to cover it all?
Why do it? It is a special day. You want it to be memorable. But do you want to remember the stress of planning your wedding? The friends and family you lost over hurt feelings? Here are five tips to keep your wedding simple and meaningful:
- KISS. Keep it simple sweetheart. All the fancy stuff won't make your marriage any better. It is the bond you will be creating with your beloved on that day that is important. Trim down the trappings to essence of the day- the wedding ceremony itself.
- It is your wedding not theirs. Whether you are relatives are paying for your wedding keep in mind it is still your day. If parents insist on paying- be thankful but clear that this is your wedding. Set a simple budget and establish loving ground rules for what the day. If your sister's want a big party thank them for the idea and do what you want.
- It is the money honey. Weddings are expensive. All that food and drink, the catering hall adds up to the down payment on your first home. Trim down the guest list. Eliminate a couple of attendants. Have a town car instead of limo. Separate the fantasy from the reality and create a workable budget.
- Elope. I know the idea is absolutely scandalous. But remember the wedding is not about the event it is the commitment you are making to another to spend the rest of your life together in wedded bliss. Couples have had fabulous and fun Las Vegas weddings. Get a Justice of the Peace and visit the park where you proposed. You can have a dinner party afterward to celebrate with family and friends.
- Wear comfortable shoes. Believe me you will thank me for this piece of advice at the end of the day. Brides can wear heels for the service and change into a decent great looking flat for the dinner or reception. The groom should break in his shoes before the day. Happy feet mean a happy couple. Your day will be really memorable if you are not in pain.
Spend some time with your beloved and discuss your expectations for the wedding day and the marriage to follow. When you know the kind of marriage you want to have it will be much easier to plan a wedding that represents your love and commitment to each other.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Creative Facilitator and Spiritual Coach Sandra Lee Schubert, creator of the popular online course, Writing for Life: Creating a Story of Own, offers simple rituals and ceremonies for the Urban Seeker at www.wildwomanministries.org
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